In general, anyone who is bald and wants to cover their beard can benefit from a hair follicle transplant (FUT), but there are some limitations that are considered when determining an individual's candidacy.

Sufficient donor hair

The transplant patient must have enough balding-resistant donor hair to insert into the balding area
To restore lost hair
To ensure the best results at an affordable price
To transplant the maximum number of grafts in one session

Other Techniques Available:
FUE Hair Transplant
Stem Cell Hair Transplant
100% Funding

Preparation for FUT
Good preparation for the surgery is the key to success. Follow these tips to get the most out of your FUT hair transplant:

Stop taking aspirin and products containing aspirin at least two weeks before the operation.
Quit smoking at least a few weeks before FUT hair transplant.
Stop drinking alcohol 5-7 days before the planned transplant.
Fill all prescriptions (antibiotics and painkillers) early.
Take the tests and get to the clinic on time.

FUT Strip Method

Procedure Donor Area Preparation: The first step is to prepare the donor area, which involves shaving and marking the back or side of the scalp for cutting the strip.

Administer anesthesia (donor site): The donor site is numbed with local anesthesia prior to making the incision.

Strip Cut

A linear strip of hair with a superficial layer of skin is cut from the donor site at the back or side of the head.
Suturing the Scalp: The surgeon carefully sutures the skin with staples and staples.
Graft Preparation: The strip contains thousands of hair follicles. It is dissected under a powerful stereo microscope to obtain individual mini-grafts for transplantation.
Administration of anesthesia (recipient site): Local anesthesia is again applied to the recipient area to numb it.


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