Hair Transplant , Hair Replacement in Dubai ?


Your desire and motivation to achieve a more attractive hairline as well as increase hair density is key to the success of hair loss treatment.

During your initial consultation, your surgeon will inform you if there are any factors that may limit your ability to use our hair replacement techniques.

In general, age or gender are not a limiting factor in our hair restoration techniques. Patients aged 70 years and older were operated on successfully & Hair Transplant in Dubai . People in their 30s suffering from male or female pattern baldness can also be successfully treated.Younger patients can also be considered, but should be treated conservatively. Women with certain hair loss patterns can also be candidates.

The ideal candidate for hair restoration surgery has healthy hair on the sides and back of the head where the grafts will be taken. It's often best to start .

when you're not completely bald to use your existing hair to camouflage the early stages of recovery.

people with hair loss due to scars, scalp injuries or cosmetic surgery.
people who want to restore or thicken their eyebrows, mustaches or beards.
people who have already undergone hair restoration treatments.

What is the Micromix vaccine?
Male or female hair loss affects the top and front part of the scalp.Fortunately, the back and sides of the scalp are genetically programmed to grow throughout life. These "horseshoe" areas around the back and sides become the donor area. Hair transplanted from these areas (called autografts) into bald areas will eventually grow and continue to grow.

Donor dominance is the ability of self-grafted hair from healthy areas of the scalp to root and grow normally in bald (recipient) areas of the scalp after transplantation.

Grafts can be "micro" (follicles) or "mini" (groups of follicles).Each micrograft contains one to three individual hair follicles. Groups of hair follicles have four to six hairs. The older grafts contained 10 to 20 follicles.

Benefits of Hair Follicle Transplants - Micro/mini transplants produce fine, fine hair that looks more like hair growth before baldness. Because the hairline is exactly the transition zone between the forehead and the thicker hair on the back, using one to three hair transplants creates the most natural hairline.


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