Hair Transplantation & Hair Replacement in Dubai ?

Radiation therapy can cause hair loss. But unlike chemotherapy, which affects the entire system, radiation therapy only causes hair loss in the treated area or where the rays penetrate.

This means that irradiation of the head can affect the hair follicles.

But if you have radiation in another area of ​​your body, like your stomach, chest, or legs, you'll only lose hair there, not your head.

The extent of hair loss after radiotherapy varies depending on the treatment protocol.In other words, patients who have received a higher dose of radiation or who have undergone longer periods of radiation therapy tend to lose more hair.

Some people receive only small doses of radiation, which can temporarily affect hair growth. After treatment, these patients see new hair growth after about three to six months.

However, keep in mind that the new hair may be thinner or have a different texture than the hair before the procedure.

If you're having radiation therapy to your head, the treatment can also affect the health of your scalp.Many patients report inflammation, irritation or dryness of the scalp.

These are often the first places where hair falls out.

Permanent hair loss can occur in patients receiving high doses of radiation due to permanent damage to the hair follicles.

This side effect is also more common in patients with a primary central nervous system (CNS). head or neck cancer.
Hair regrowth after radiation therapy

The good news is that it is possible to regrow hair after radiation therapy in most patients.

Recent studies have shown that even in patients with long-term radiation-induced alopecia after high doses of radiation, therapies that stimulate hair growth can help hair regrowth.
Hair Restoration in Dubai & UAE , Dr. Maag hair restoration from a doctor's perspective. Carefully evaluate your medical history — including radiation therapy — and check the condition of your scalp.

Work with you and our team of experts to develop a personalized hair restoration strategy that may include:

Prescribing hair growth medication tailored to individual needs
Regenerative medicine techniques such as Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
low-therapy laser capsules to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and promote hair growthMaag can recommend a hair transplant with ProGrowth Combination Assisted NeoGraft® (FUE) hair follicle extraction, the gold standard for the treatment of alopecia-associated alopecia.


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