Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE ?


PRP stands for "platelet rich plasma". Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses the best platelet-rich plasma your blood has to offer as it heals wounds faster, stimulates growth factors and increases levels of collagen and stem cells, which are naturally produced in the body to keep you young and fresh hold. In this case, these growth factors are used to regrow thinning hair.

How the procedure works PRP injections are carried out in three steps:

Your own blood, possibly from your arm, will be taken for treatment.
This blood is then placed in a centrifuge to separate it into three layers: platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells.The PRP is used and the rest is discarded.
This PRP or "blood spatter" is then injected into the scalp with a syringe after a local anesthetic has been applied.

Who Can Benefit From PRP Injections?
PRP injections may benefit a wider range of people than might initially be thought. These plasma injections are rich in platelets and could potentially help the following groups:

There's a lot of talk about male pattern balding and thinning hair, but women often don't get the same benefit from widely shared information. The fact is that women can also lose their hair due to several factors.
people affected by androgenetic alopecia or other forms of alopecia. This is also known as male/female pattern baldness. It is an inherited condition that affects an estimated 80 million people in the United States alone.
A large age range of the population. There have been many successful clinical trials in people between the ages of 18 and 72.

people suffering from hair loss due to high stress. Since this condition is not chronic, it is fairly easy to treat.
Those who have recently experience Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE .The younger the hair loss, the better the chances that it will be repaired before it's too late for PRP injections.

Those who have thinning or thinning hair but are not completely bald. PRP injections are designed to thicken, strengthen and grow hair from follicles that will still work no matter how bad it looks.

Do's and Don'ts of PRP Injections
There are certain measures that should be taken before and after the procedure. The same goes for things you shouldn't do if you want to see results and minimize the risk of negative side effects.

Back before procedure
Wash and condition hair before procedure. So it is clean and free from grease and dirt particles. Provides a sterile environment on the scalp prior to injections.

Eat a healthy breakfast and drink at least 16 ounces of water. This way you are less likely to feel dizzy, faint or nauseous.Remember, blood will be drawn. If you get nauseous on an empty stomach, you should probably fix that before you leave.


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