Hair Transplant in Dubai ?


A practical and advanced therapy to accelerate hair growth is PRP therapy. It is an affordable treatment option for both men and women. PRP is a whole new multi-session approach to hair growth. In this blog post you will learn all about the therapy, results, cost of PRP in Rawalpindi and other cost factors. Continue reading!

What is PRP therapy?
According to Royal Cosmetics, PRP is a non-invasive procedure to improve hair growth. It refers to platelet-rich plasma, which is obtained from your own blood. In addition, it supports cell growth and contains proteins.

PRP therapy heals damaged tissue and stimulates new healthy cells.Many people do not want to undergo surgery; That's why they choose PRP, which can help regenerate the hair growth cycle.

For this therapy, you should consult a hair specialist who will examine your hair loss situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It works:
This is a simple and straightforward procedure that can be completed in just a few steps. They are listed below:

Your doctor will take blood from your arm and put it into a container & Hair Transplant in Dubai .

The container is sent to the centrifuge where it is spun for 15 minutes.The blood components are then separated and the doctor takes plasma from them.

The injection is filled with plasma and injected into the bald area or areas with fine hair.

Therefore, additional sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Three treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart are required.

The effect of PRP injections is impressive and wonderful.This injection process offers effective and noticeable results. You will not notice hair growth for 4-6 weeks and the area will heal faster and more hair will grow.

Full results can be seen after 10-12 months as different patients had different results and everyone's plasma is not accurate. The doctor will recommend several sessions for good growth.


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