Skin Whitening & Skin Lightening in Islamabad Pakistan ?


Similar to laser treatment, dermabrasion uses a special tool that creates friction to remove the top layer of skin. Think of it as a "grinder" that smoothes your skin.

After the top layer of skin has been removed, a moist bandage is applied to aid healing, which can last several weeks.

Microdermabrasion is similar to dermabrasion, but typically involves multiple treatments with a shorter recovery time. Microdermabrasion doesn't go as deep and doesn't leave permanent changes like laser treatments, but it's less expensive and requires less preparation.

Steroid Injections
steroid injections are a common treatment to smooth raised acne scars. You will need several treatments before you see a noticeable difference.

Side effects may include mild pain, bruising, and possible bleeding. Injections alternating with laser treatments can often improve results.

Can acne scars be prevented?
Acne can be associated with medication or other dietary supplements & Skin Whitening in Islamabad Pakistan . Therefore, always consult your doctor about medications such as birth control and dietary supplements.

There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of acne scars:

Quit smoking or quit smoking.
Keep hands away from face. Resist the urge to pick or pop pimples.
Treat acne as soon as possible to reduce the risk of scarring.
Scarring can occur at any age, whether you're a teenager and your hormones are changing, or you're an adult. Sometimes, as adults lose weight or lose skin elasticity with age, the scars from years past become more visible.


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