FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE ?


Even though the immune cells attack the hair follicles, the hair follicles are still alive, which means they can grow back. If the hair loss is mild, it can grow back on its own. Or it can grow back with proper treatment. If you have hair loss, see a dermatologist (a doctor who treats skin conditions). They have training and experience in hair loss and how to diagnose it, and can help you find the best treatment for you.

Common treatments for alopecia areata include: Injections, such as e.g. corticosteroids Oral medications, e.g. B. corticosteroid tablets phototherapy or phototherapy topical creams and ointments, such as B. Minoxidil and corticosteroids Topical or oral immunotherapy If you have hair loss due to a prolapse, a topical corticosteroid or minoxidil may help. If you have severe hair loss, your doctor may recommend oral corticosteroids or immunotherapy. You can also try new treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. 

Your doctor may recommend that you participate in a clinical trial. Many studies are currently underway for new treatments. Not all treatments work for everyone. You may have to try several treatments before finding one that grows back. Hair regrowth is a slow process. 

Even effective therapies take time. If you are low on patches, your doctor may recommend a wait-and-see approach.Hair can grow back on its own & FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai 

View the original article on WebMD Understanding Alopecia and Reducing Its Effects Smoke and Mirrors: Tips for Detecting Hair Restoration Scams Medical Reviewer: Debra Jaliman, MD Revised 2/15/2023 Effective Options for Treating Hair Loss  Some can even be harmful to your hair. How to avoid scams and choose treatment that really works. Tips to Avoid Scams Avoid products with big promises. Read the affirmations.

Do you see words like "awesome"? "quickly",

 "immediately"; “immediately” or "fast?" If so, that's a red flag. Hair regrowth is a slow and gradual process that takes time. Beware of fake reviews, testimonials and guarantees. This is a common ploy used by companies to trick you into buying a product. Keep in mind that even with science-backed therapies, there is no single hair growth treatment that works all the time. Contact your doctor. If you are unsure whether a product is a scam or a real drug, consult your doctor. It is better to have an expert examine the product and its claims than to make a decision. You will know why you are experiencing hair loss and which products are most likely to work for you.


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