Hair Transplant & Hair Restoration in Dubai and UAE ?


After the healing process, a person's scalp shows little or no scarring. If a patient is looking for a more discreet hair transplant, FUE may be the better option for them.

There is less risk of visible scarring in the treated or donor area as only individual hair follicles are injected into the scalp.

Patients who want to keep their hair short can benefit from FUE treatment.

The recovery time for an FUE hair transplant is usually 5-7 days, which means that FUE can be the right approach when a patient wants to return to work immediately after the treatment.

FUE hair transplants are an excellent option for patients with tight scalps.

There is no skin stretching or stitching.

FUE is gentler on the scalp and does not cause any discomfort during the treatment.

Since no stitches have to be removed, a doctor's visit after the operation is not necessary.

However, doctors are always available if you have any questions or concerns.

FUE can be used to cover scars from another hair transplant procedure.


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