Hair Transplant in Dubai At Royal Clinic ?


Hair loss is a very common problem. It can affect both men and women and lead to a loss of self-confidence.

In the past, there were few treatment options for hair loss, but hair transplantation has come a long way in recent years. In this blog we will discuss the different types of hair transplantation, the techniques used, the costs, the risks and the alternatives to hair transplantation.

Advances in hair transplantation have taken us to new horizons in hair restoration.

What is a hair transplant?
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure used to restore hair to areas of the scalp where it has been lost. It involves taking hair follicles from a healthy area of ​​the scalp and transplanting them into areas of hair loss & Hair Transplant in Dubai . Royal Cosmetics collects hair follicles from an area of ​​the scalp called the donor area, where the hair is thickest and strongest.

We then transplant them to the area of ​​the scalp where hair loss occurs, called the recipient area.We use this technique to treat male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss. It is a safe and effective treatment and the effects can be very natural.

Benefits of a hair transplant:
The benefits of a hair transplant are numerous. The most obvious benefit is that it can restore hair in areas of the scalp where balding occurs. This can help restore the patient's confidence and help them feel better about their appearance.We also use it to make

We use hair transplants in UAE to repair scars from previous surgeries or injuries. By transplanting healthy hair follicles to the affected area, the patient can restore their appearance and repair the damage caused by previous surgery or trauma.

Hair Transplant Cost:
The cost of a hair transplant can vary depending on the extent of the surgery, the technique used, and the surgeon's skill. In general, a hair transplant can cost up to 2 PKR varnishes.

Hair transplant cost can also vary depending on the number of hair follicles transplanted.In general, the more hair follicles transplanted, the higher the cost.

FUE is a minimally invasive procedure in which individual hair follicles are removed from the donor area and transplanted into the recipient area. This procedure requires no points and is less invasive than FUT. However, FUE is a longer and more expensive process than FUT.

Hair Transplantation Techniques:

In addition to the above types of hair transplantation, there are also several techniques that we use to maximize the success of the procedure.The most common technique is the slit graft. In fissure vaccination, small incisions are made in the scalp and hair follicles are inserted into the incisions. We use this technique on patients who have thinning or receding hair.


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