Hair Transplant in Islamabad Pakistan ?


Hair transplantation method is one of the most popular applications in recent years. This method, known as the pen technique or direct hair transplantation, is the DHI hair transplantation method. This method is often preferred because it offers more advantages than other applications.

The procedure involves an application where hair follicles taken from the donor area are implanted into the graft area using a special pen.Because this medical device Hair transplant in islamabad , which we call a post, can groove and root with a single gesture, it enables root placement in less time.

There is almost no bleeding with this no-cut application. Since the damage caused by this application is minimal, the healing process is also very fast.

In addition, the DHI method never damages existing hair. Of course, the DHI hair transplant process takes place under sterile hospital conditions and it is very important that it is performed by a team of experts in the field.

Here are some advantages of Dhi hair transplant method:

You can transplant your hair without cutting it.
Generates fewer injuries and inconveniences.
The result is much more natural.
It is possible to place more hair follicles per cm2.
is much more preferred in the compaction process. A denser
transplant can be performed upon request.
Dropout is less common than the other methods.
Proper application of Dhi hair transplant results in less damage.
Because the work is done with fine stitches, there is no scarring.

Those with Dhi Hair Transplant
Those with Dhi Hair Transplant are those who have lost their hair permanently due to genetic, stress or health problems. The reason for so many seedlings is the high success.And that goes for people all over the world. Millions of people come to our country just to have DHI hair transplant. Hair type, skin color, height, age, weight of these people are completely different. There are many different options for those who undergo Dhi hair transplant surgery, the type of procedure also depends on various factors such as the hardness of the skull, its structure and the thickness of the hair type. With these factors in mind, we can achieve positive results with
Hair Transplant.


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